To Our Service Men & Women : A Thank You

On this day, Anzac Day, a little story and a lot of gratitude... 
Anzac day poppies in a field
image: istock

Sometimes people surprise you.

I met a man last night - a tall, dark, handsome stranger.
He was a young man with an easy smile and kind eyes.
He was a policeman, waiting next to me at Macca’s café.
He said hello and smiled.
I smiled back and said, “So, you have the night shift?”
“Yes “ he said, “Unfortunately.”
I had no response to that, not being able to guess what might be in store for him that night.
We waited silently, side by side – me looking at the other patrons and the cakes, he looking at his phone messages.
My Chai Latte arrived and he flashed me another warm smile and said, “ Have a good night”
“Thanks! You too.” I smiled back at him as I took my drink and headed for the car.
As I was driving home I thought how much he reminded me of my son, and I couldn’t help wondering how his mother must sometimes feel, and sent up a prayer for his protection.
I wondered what it was that made him choose to be a policeman – such a dangerous and underappreciated role in our society today.
Somehow he didn’t fit the stereotype – He seemed from my instant analysis to be more the sensitive, intuitive type you’d expect to be a musician, philosopher, or doctor.
I felt a little emotional as I thought of all the good young men and women who are trying to make the world a better place by taking on difficult roles like this.
The police constables, the armed force personnel, the schoolteachers, the counselors, and others, and my heart went out to them.

God bless you all!

Ros x



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