An Easter Egg Hunt (With Less Chocolate)

Take the kids on an Easter hunt on Easter Sunday…. try our recycled cardboard Easter Egg Hunt Game!
a nest of cardboard easter eggs for a chocolate free hunt
This is another take on the traditional Easter Hunt, but with less chocolate and is lots of fun for all! 
Firstly, you will need to draw up some egg-shaped cards (like the one below).  Instead of those tiny foiled sugar laden chocolate eggs, you will hide the cardboard eggs.
drawing easter eggs on recycled box cardboard for a chocolate free hunt
We recycled card from an old cardboard box, and used acrylic paint to jazz them up and make them egg-celent! (Ok, sorry about the lame pun...)
painting and decorating cardboard eggs for a chocolate free huntcolourfully decorated cardboard easter eggs for a chocolate free hunt

On the back of each card, write some action that has to be performed when the child finds it.
Some of the actions could be: ‘hop like a Easter bunny’‘sing a nursery rhyme’‘mime a scenario for us to guess’ or ‘jump 5 times on one leg’ etc. Use your imagination!

cardboard easter eggs with game actions for a chocolate free huntThen, you will need to hide the cardboard eggs...

cardboard easter eggs hiding in plants for a chocolate free easter hunt game
Now, gather the kids and let them go on the   hunt. When each child has collected a certain number of eggs, gather them around and let them perform their actions. 
As for the finale, they can then be directed to someone with the ‘prizes’. The prizes could be colouring books, a small game, toy or if you want something more traditional, an Easter Egg (ok, so maybe a little bit of chocolate!).
cardboard easter eggs hiding in the grass for a chocolate free easter hunt game

There are lots of other ways to make Easter enjoyable for kids. Here are some of our favourite suggestions:
easter bunny basket woven from old magazines with egg
via pinterest

  • Build a bunny basket out of recycled paper (use your old magazines) 
  • Create a bunny ear headband 
  • Paint real eggs with food colouring. (Just hard boil them and dip them into a solution of warm water, natural food colouring and a splash of vinegar.) 
  • Bake Easter egg-shaped biscuits and ice them. (These make a great gift too.) 
  • Decorate old egg cups and use them for soft boiled eggs and toast soldiers on Easter morning. 

See our pinterest board ‘MAKE & DO’ for more fab ideas and inspiration.

Irene x



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