Xmas Solar Light Helper

We have been busily working in the garden putting up our outdoor solar fairy lights, taking advantage of the (slightly) cooler weather, in readiness for Christmas (yes... it is nearly Xmas!). The solar LED lights work a treat, look magical and best of all, they use no electricity! My 15 month old daughter is spell bound by them.

Today, I spotted this curious little observer, who also seemed intrigued by the fairy lights. 

I think this is an Noble Bush Katydid (rather than a grasshopper)- but don’t quote me as I am no expert... maybe someone out there can confirm this for me? Dressed to look like a eucalyptus leaf, this little insect thought it would hang about and inspect my decorative lighting handiwork. 
Perhaps she is one of Santa’s helpers spying on me, checking if I am being nice or naughty... 

Dear Mrs Katydid, please eat all the nasty caterpillars in my veggie patch, rather than eating my plants!

Elena x

Ps - Sorry if you are creepy crawly queasy and just ate lunch!



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