The New Super Food Growing In My Garden...

What is the new “Super Food”?

Kale is being hailed as the new Super Food, due to it's anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties...  which accounts for its rising popularity for detox juicing and clean eating. So high is the demand, that it can be at times difficult to find... so why not grow your own? This nutritious and flavoursome cruciferous plant is a hardy bienniel, and very easy to grow.

From the garden...
I’ve got just one little plant growing in the garden, but it’s amazing. It’s been there for so long now, that it’s quite “leggy” – but I just keep harvesting along the stem as it continues to grow, and will keep doing so until it goes to seed (and then I’ll be harvesting the seed for the next generation.)

A word to the wise – If you want to grow this, you need to keep a watch out for those pesky white cabbage moth caterpillars – they love kale (to bits!)

To the table...
Here is a recipe I invented to make use of the fresh Kale, parsley and spring onions from my garden. A variation on scrambled eggs, which was very tasty!

2 rashers of bacon      
1/2 small zucchini      
1 tomato                               chop all these ingredients and fry until cooked
1 spring onion            
2 or 3 leaves of kale   
Sprigs of parsley        

Whisk together 3 eggs and milk (or cream) of the same volume as eggs
Add egg mixture to pan – cook gently, folding vegetable mixture through cooking eggs. 
Serve with love and lots of black pepper! (This quantity serves 2)

Ros x


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