Baking Adventures: Coconut Macaroons and Flourless Chocolate & Orange Mud Cake

I was recently asked to bring a dessert to a dinner party at which one of the guests was a coeliac AND lactose intolerant. Never one to shy away from a challenge, I decided to try my hand at these surprisingly delicious gluten free and dairy free recipes.

I must confess that I have never considered myself to be much of a baker - and have been known to burn spaghetti from time to time. But I completely surprised myself with these simple (yet very effective) recipes!

First up: Coconut Macaroons (not to be confused with their fancier cousin, the macaron).  So simple - coconut, sugar & egg whites! Served on some very up-scale 'vintage' 1970s crystal, no less...

Next on the menu: Flourless Chocolate and Orange Mud Cake. Delicious!

Just follow these simple steps and you too could be the hit at any coeliac dinner party!

1) Boil oranges in water (I did mine in the microwave for about 1/2 an hour - worked a treat).

2) Mix sugar, eggs, almond meal and good quality cocoa.

3) The fun part: pulverize oranges!

4) Combine all of the ingredients, pour into a spring form tin and bake in a fan forced oven set on around 100 degrees Celsius for just over an hour (or until the skewer comes out clean).

5) Dust with cocoa, eat and enjoy!

Until next time....

Nina xx



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